7 Items You Should Never Keep
In Your Guest Room
The pros say you should avoid these items when creating a welcoming space for guests.
*Southern Living Article written by Sarah Lyon
Motif Homes latest design input in Southern Living will help you best support your overnight guests.
Helping guests feel comfortable during an overnight stay should be intentional and thought-out. We chimed in on two out of the seven suggestions from designers on how to host your guests well. Read on as we help you eliminate the guess work.
Traditional Clocks
“If most of your visitors will come equipped with a cell phone, you can consider forgoing illuminated alarm clocks in the guest room, says Tiffany Matthews, the founder of Motif Homes in Greensboro, North Carolina. After all, she says, these will take up outlet space that could be better used to charge guests' own electronics.”
Scented Accessories
“You may think that placing a fragrant candle or air freshener in the guest room is a thoughtful touch, but doing so may actually upset visitors who are prone to allergies or simply don't love scented items, Matthews says.”
We hope you enjoyed our recommendations on guest rooms experiences. This is an example of small details adding up to a big picture. Are you ready to take your space to the next level to welcome guests in for the holiday season and beyond? Click here to get started on your next design project.
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